About Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a primary health care service which aims to help people achieve physical wellness. Not only can physiotherapy help individuals recover from acute injuries, but physiotherapy can also help manage chronic conditions.

Physiotherapy is not however limited to rehabilitation of injuries or management of disabilities. A physiotherapist will also provide education and advice for activity modification, heath and fitness promotion, and injury prevention.

Our highly skilled physiotherapists will use a wide variety of services to help you with your needs whether you are seeking rehabilitation, general maintenance, or optimal physical performance.

You are not required to have a doctor’s referral to attend physiotherapy, however some extended health insurers require it for reimbursement. Check with your healthcare provider if you are unsure.

 Common conditions we treat are: Sports injuries, muscle strains/tears, ligament sprains (ACL, MCL, wrists and ankles), meniscal injuries, low back pain, herniated discs, sciatica and piriformis syndrome, achilles tendonitis, shin splints, plantar fascitis , golfer’s and tennis elbow, rotator cuff tears, frozen shoulder, AC joint sprain/separated shoulders, fractured collar bones, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, whiplash, pinched nerves, osteoarthritis, Post -op joint replacement, ACL reconstructions, shoulder stabilization, post concussion syndrome, balance disorders, dizziness and vertigo.

We are not currently accepting Work Safe or ICBC claims.